Friday, June 3, 2016

Dot Com Revolution

There is an old saying about money: "With it you're a dragon, without it, you're a worm". Somewhere in between, you're human. Being human, we're filled with a swirl of sometimes contradictory responses and impulses that often get in the way of personal financial success. Some of these incongruities can be quite amusing. For instance, we tend to overestimate our neighbor's wealth while underestimating our own odds of financial success. Some of us underestimate the importance of investing for retirement, yet overestimate the difficulties of retiring comfortably. Meanwhile, we fixate on the "big" things, like trying to beat the market while overlooking the "little" things, like saving money and lowering our expenses.
Most common mistakes we made with our money in these days are rooted in associated emotions. Once you come to understand these human foibles and find ways to overcome them, managing money doesn't have to be nearly as difficult or stressful as we sometimes make it hard to be. I must say that making things simple is the key to financial success.
When it comes to money, it's a lot harder to do the things we all love, but it's a lot easier to overcome the things we fear. The truth is that many of us are making lots of mistakes with our money. No matter how much we pine for the days when employers took care of our retirement needs, traditional pensions aren't coming back. That means more of us will have to save for our own futures. More of us will have to invest for our own futures. And even more of us will have to retire on our own terms.
We no longer have the luxury of a skyrocketing stock market, fueled by overhyped promises, overstated earnings, and overly mischievous corporate executives to mask our financial shortcomings. Nor do we have the safety net of a seemingly endless supply of high paying jobs that the revolution afforded us, if only for a few successful years.
Nebojsa is currently writing small product reviews. He is inspired writing about motivational, health and food topics. Check his latest website over at [] which helps people find the reviews of Baby Phat Handbags []

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A Home Based Dot-Com Business vs a Franchise

Being your own boss is many people's dream, whether it's having a dot-com company or buying into a franchise. Before we were all hit with the wonders of the World Wide Web, for many people franchises were seen to be an escape from the daily rat race and to have more freedom, but unfortunately that dream of reality is harder to achieve than you think and at that an expensive one.
Then there are countless online businesses, which allow you the option to work from home. You don't have to be a whiz kid on a computer to be successful, no matter what myths you've heard. Internet marketing or digital marketing, as it's sometimes known has changed drastically over the years and is vastly becoming more of a reliable option to promote your business and products. 18.3 million households in the UK (that's 70%) had Internet access in 2009 and the numbers have been increasing year on year.
So, let's weigh this up and compare a franchise to an Internet business.
Most franchises you'll find are health and fitness related companies, food chains, financial services, pet stores, the list is endless, but before you even get your business off the ground you need to buy into the franchise, think about your competition, will it be successful in the location. Then you have added extras that soon mount up. Legal fees, licenses and permits (if you want to sell alcohol for example), the rental of the property, utility bills, staff wages etc etc. If you are willing to put in hours upon hours and thousands upon thousands, then great, this type of business could be for you, but why would you want to do this when there is a better alternative?
The boom in the 1990's saw many people setting up their business online. The Internet has some great opportunities out there if you sift through all the scams, and believe me, the internet is full of them, but if you do your due diligence and put in the hours to research then you'll find some great products to market and put to test your budding entrepreneurial skills to good use. To gain the knowledge to actually market these products, you'll need to be taught how and the company that leads the field is YourNetBiz. You don't need to know anything about JavaScript or html codes, it's all about techniques and your approach. There are some excellent training resources where you can learn a whole new world that is very simple when you know how. I gained fruitful skills and knowledge from the business I now work in that is now making me a success online.
Don't get me wrong, franchises do work, and digital marketing is not for everyone. Whatever path you decide to take in finding an alternative business, I wish you the best of luck of finding success.
Gary Turner is a successful online marketer, mentor and entrepreneur who gives his time teaching people how to adapt successful techniques and strategies to challenge other competitors in the world of Internet marketing. To find out more about Gary and please visit []

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Your Desired .com Name is Gone!

The Top Level Domain (TLD) is one of the most important factors to consider, when embarking on an online marketing strategy for your company. There are several types of TLDs, with the traditional ones being: 1) .com 2) .net 3) .org. These 3 TLDs have been in existence for a long time, which explains the level of credibility accredited to them by internet users. 
All is good if you are able to get your domain name ending the traditional TLDs. However, as more names are being taken up around the world everyday, it becomes a near impossibility for us to get the desired domain names. Does that mean that we cannot do anything about it? Wrong. There are other alternatives that we can consider and as an corporate marketing specialist, it is the time to churn your creative brain juice!
Perhaps your domain name includes words like "to", why not change it to "2"? How about changing a "you" to a "u"? There are many internet lingos that can replace English words, so you can never run out of ideas for the alteration of your domain names.
Such changes might not be a good idea, if your customers are mainly from the corporate level. Instead of changing the domain name, why not considering other types of TLDs? The new generation of TLDs includes: 1) .biz 2) .jp 3) .mobi. If you are targeting at users or customers from certain geographical locations, why not use the TLDs that represents countries? Such as .jp (Japan), .kr (Korea), .us (United States) and many others.
There are endless possibilities and combination to the TLDs and the names that you can have. All you have to do is to consider carefully and when the right name is chosen, half of your marketing battle has already been won.
Mr. Zeng Han Jun is the Chief Marketing Officer of SG Domain Market, a subsidiary of Chan & Partners Consulting Group. SG Domain Market is a Singapore based internet hosting company that provides services in the following areas: 1) Domain Registration 2) Internet Hosting. Our servers are based in United States and United Kingdom. Our in-house built hosting Control Panel has been especially optimized to operate in total synchronicity with the rest of the software installed on the servers. Our engineers are monitoring the services 24 hours a day to ensure maximum security and accessibility.
To find out how to optimize your business's internet marketing plan, please visit our website at [] We guarantee 99% uptime for your business website!

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Dot Net Component: CLR and Com - Decom

Dot Net have an important component that is CLR. No my point of view its not component, I think it provides runtime environment infrastructure to application. Lets take some overview of it.
First of all we need some source code that needed by CLS. It must be in CLS - complaint languages. Now the next step that comes is, CLS compiles the source code generate the Intermediate code (MSIL) and Meta Data.
The MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) contains some instructions that relates to C.P.U. Just like how to load, store, initialize and call methods on objects. In MSIL instructions are also there just like perform arithmetic and logical operations, memory directly access, flow of execution, handle exception. Because before execution MSIL we need CPU specific instructions. And to execute the code, the runtime requires information about the code that is in metadata.
The Meta Data contains the types and references to other type which is helpful for our applications.
Both of these files located in a PE File(Portable Executable File). When we execute the P.E file the class loader loads the MSIL code and metadata from P.E file to runtime memory. Now works for code manager is covers in existence it call the entry point method. This is any of these three.
. Main
. WinMain
. DLLMain
Entry point is first method that is to be executed first. When entry point is execution code manages helps object to places him in memory and controls the execution in the program. Now garbage collector performs periodic checks on the heap to identity the object, type checker performs types checking. Type checker raise error if any occur. CLR controls the code at runtime. Now security engine performs restriction application. Now Managing Multithreading , Com Marshels performs there roles. Now JIT compiles perform there role and convert all thing to native code.
Pervej Munjal, writer of this article, is the main source who writes on dot net questions [] and Com - Decom [] at

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FTC Full of Beans on MySpace (.com) Concerns

The Federal Trade Commission is going over board and trying to ride the wave of success of They always attack anything that is fast moving in the market place, but why? Well it is simple the FTC in my opinion is a Government Lap Doggy and anytime the government is afraid of losing control the FTC steps in to control them.
Anything new, any new innovation or any disruptive technology they sick the little worthless puppy out to bark up a storm. The Federal Trade Commission says they want to protect children from, but they are full of beans indeed.
If the Federal Trade Commission really wanted to protect the children of the American People and Parents then they would stop the over use of Prozac and Ridlin polluting the minds of kids? Trying to control or take away social online networking from kids is mean and rotten.
Only the government would think of destroying kids fun. Party Poopers and full of beans I say. Who are they going after now to use their extortion tactics to manipulate and control our kids and free markets? Well probable networking sites like FaceBook, MySpace.
FTC hates kids face it and they are full of beans and they are taking this COPPA; Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act too far. That is my pure opinion, but realize I have no use for the FTC because they lie to the American People.
"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is an online writer in retirement.

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Romance or Bromance: "This Means War" A Surprising Action Rom Com Flick

Men...go see the rom com This Means War.
You read that correctly, I said "men".
At the moment, I am hard pressed to remember a film that blends romantic comedy and action with such balance and panache; it is as much a "guy film" as it is a "chick flick".
The premise is the standard romantic triangle: two buddies "FDR" (Chris Pine, Star Trek, Smokin' Aces) and "Tuck" (Tom Hardy, Star Trek: Nemesis, Inception, Warriors, the forthcoming The Dark Knight Rises) vying for the affections of the same girl (Reese Witherspoon). The twist here is that they happen to be crack field agents in the CIA.
Chris Pine transplants his "Captain Kirk" persona into modern day Earth with the character of "FDR Foster" (with a couple of tongue in cheek references to the iconic character Pine has inherited, including his penchant for "intergalactic relations"). He imbues in his character a confluence of rakish charm of both Kirk and Harrison Ford's "Han Solo" yet Pine plays it with a bit of guardedness. Hardy's "Tuck" is the more "sensitive" of the two, but has enough macho swagger to balance it out. And one particular scene he makes a throwaway line given to Pine at the beginning of the climax especially poignant. He is a very talented actor, and it is surprising that someone who could play the sociopath Charles Bronson can juggle a role such as this. In their interactions Pine and Hardy have a wonderful chemistry together. It is easy to believe that these two have been practically brothers when you first meet them on screen. The comedy comes mostly from their knack of comedic timing coupled with their game of macho gamesmanship. Their affability offsets the inherent discomfort one would get if one were to sit back and ruminate on the tactics they use to sabotage the other and insinuate themselves in their objective's graces (misuse of government funds and equipment is an understatement here).
As the object of their mutual desire, this film is an interesting choice for Witherspoon. She may have top billing but her story takes a back seat to that of her co-stars. Yet she makes the most of what she has and holds her own. She defaults back to the plucky persona she's managed to cultivate throughout her career but refreshingly absent this time is the smug self-awareness that tinged it. She is delightfully lacking in self-consciousness and gives the most natural performance she has in quite a while. Her "Lauren Scott" is competent, self-assured, and slightly neurotic, but none of these are played as stereotype. Complementing her performance is Chelsea Handler. While she is not a revelation as Tom Arnold was in True Lies so many years ago, her character is surprisingly nuanced. Her trademark delivery is in evidence but her persona is sublimated to suit the performance, which is marked with a surprising down to earth sensitivity. Rosemary Harris has little more than a cameo in her role as Nana Foster, but she brings a lot more spunk than she did to "Aunt May" in the Spider-Man films. It is easy to see where FDR got that aspect of his personality from.
Sadly, the resolution the love triangle is practically telegraphed in the beginning of the film. If you've seen the original Star Wars trilogy then you will know how things will end up. In this case, however, the fun really is in the journey not the destination.
As a director, McG has been blasted for being all flash and having very little, if any, substance. However, with each subsequent outing, his films, while entertaining on the surface, begin to carry with them a little more emotional heft. One important theme in his films (and yes, this includes the "Charlie's Angels" franchise) is the importance of familial relationships. This film showcases the importance not only of a fulfilling romantic relationship but that of the filial bond as well. As aforementioned, the "bromance" plot line overshadows the romantic one. In showing the agents as adversaries, the audience is treated to exactly why they need each other. They complement each other in a way only real companions can. Yet he also demonstrates why these men would go after the same girl and why she would be torn between the two. Quite possibly, despite the farcical ludicrousness of the proceedings, this may be McG's most adult/mature film to date.
His pacing of the film is mostly balanced. The quiet moments are almost as gripping as the comedic ones, which come fast and furious and are genuinely funny. Where McG drops the proverbial ball is with his treatment of Til Schweiger as "Heinrich", the film's ostensible antagonist in the sense that his scheme of revenge is less than a "C" plot. The audience never feels any sense of jeopardy because his character is hardly present; he is more conspicuous by his absence. By the time he makes his move against the warring agents, it feels like almost a tacked on, deux-ex-machina afterthought. Also egregious having an actress of the caliber of Angela Bassett and give her what amounts to maybe two minutes of screen time as a Starskey and Hutch desk supervisor stereotype; an expositional plot device and little else. It seems as if the only direction he gave her was "do what you did in Green Lantern, but angrier." The film could have arguably moved along fine without her, which is more indictment of the script than the talents of the pigeonholed Bassett.
This Means War is an almost perfect balance of what Hollywood looks for in its films: a film that will satisfy both genders. As of this writing it is lost in the shuffle of other, bigger budgeted and hyped films and that is to its detriment. Despite its minor flaws, it is a wonderfully executed film that is sure to please both genders and delivers on laughs and action.
Paul Anthony Llossas is a writer who hosts "American Culture Critic", his blog about cultural trends with a focus on popular culture. He is a summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappan graduate. Follow his blog at

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Greenspan's Reign - Lessons From The Dot-Com Disaster

Under the reign of Greenspan, the major but avoidable catastrophe of the stock bubble burst occurred in 2001. This led to the evaporation of wealth for many. However, as history always repeats, it is imperative that we learn as much as possible from the mistakes of people in order to exploit them to our advantage should similar situations occur again. Let us now explore the lessons derived from this painful incident.
In 2001, when the stock bubble burst, 911 coincidentally occurred, precipitating a greater crash in the market. Despite this, the root cause of this crash is nevertheless still because the bubble developed overcapacity for the economy, causing the fall in demand that led to a recession. With a further strike by 911, demand simply just fell further because of more fear elements in the market. However, because of the perfect timing of 911, Greenspan conveniently pushed his responsibility for causing the crash to it. Personally, I think this is very irresponsible and cowardly.
As many of you would have noticed by now, Greenspan likes to extol virtues of ideas he doesn't fully understand and because of this ignorance, he leads people to destruction. For example, during the 1990s, despite strong evidence proving the existence of a bubble, he refused to heed advice due to his infatuation with technology. What he failed to realize is that history always repeats.
Looking back, many would see that nothing is really new even if headlines constantly announce the innovative, radical and groundbreaking. When something is presented as novel or different, there is always a precedent. For example, the Internet can be compared to the railroad, clipper ship. airplanes, electricity, radio telephone, television, PC, etc where investments in all these "new" arenas all ended up very badly.
In fact, the claim of something being unprecedented should warn you of whether the market is overheated and in a state of mass hysteria. Always remember that nothing emerges as so entirely different and because of this, be doubtful when you see them!
With this, investors ought to study history very carefully to learn precisely what happened and what didn't. This will help you understand what is about to happen, allowing you to bring the situation to your advantage. Here, it is clearly seen that humans are after all driven by emotions and the reason why Greenspan didn't see the bubble was because he was taken over by it.
In conclusion, after covering the importance of understanding and knowing history, I believe readers now see the light behind the burst of the dot-com bubble. Now, share this piece of knowledge with others and seek to learn with them!
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